Grade Level Representatives
Family Engagement Matters!!
As parents, we want our children to do well in school and when parents take a more active role in their children’s schooling, children achieve more! Not only do they learn more, they earn high grades and have better school attendance. By partnering with Sunderland and the FSO, you can make sure that their most significant experiences and relationships that happen at home and school are working together to prepare your child for future success.
Grade Level Representatives are a link between the FSO and Sunderland Elementary. Representatives bridge the gap in communication between teachers and parents, as well as encourage parent involvement in upcoming events. The major responsibilities are to bring members into closer contact with the school, to work with both the school staff and parents to promote the work of the FSO and to assist with membership promotion.
Reps will collaborate with teachers to identify how parents can assist with classroom activities while recruiting parent volunteers and delegating volunteer assignments for the grade level. Reps will also get together with the teachers to talk about the various ways and options available for parents to assist with classroom activities, field trips and celebrations for the upcoming year. By developing a list together of volunteer opportunities, parents will be able to communicate in advance which opportunities they can participate in.
Representatives will function as a committee, with the FSO Grade Level Representative Board Member representing them as the chair. Grade level representatives are encouraged to attend the monthly FSO meeting. Funds for their work will be provided in the FSO budget.
A brief bulleted overview of responsibilities are
Reps will assist with membership drives for their grade level
Secure a list of names, phone numbers and email addresses of the parents whose children are in the grade level
Leave contact information of reps for each family, encouraging them to use the FSO as a resource for assistance and information
Share information with parents as directed and on a timely basis.
Invite parents to each FSO meeting and keep parents informed about the FSO
Recruit parents to assist with school activities as specified by the teacher, principal or executive board.